Chingford Branch Number 762

The Annual Armed Forces day celebrated on june 25th 2022 with a march, presentation of Standards and a short religious service of Remembrance at Chingford Mount Cemetery War Memorial

Battle of Britain Parade
An annual highlight is the Battle of Britain Remembrance Sunday Parade commemorating "The Few" who thwarted The Luftwaffe in September 1940. By retaining air superiority the RAF convinced the Nazis that Operation Sealion would have to be postponed and ultimately cancelled.
RAFA Chingford participates in the parade which is led by the Epping Forest Pipe Band and marches through the streets from The Chingford Fire Station to St.Peter and St.Paul Church for a service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

The annual Act of Remembrance in November includes a processional march with standards to the Chingford War Memorial, laying of wreaths and process to the St. Peter and Paul Parish Church for a Religious Service.

Veterans Charity